What is the difference between user accounts and customer accounts?

User accounts and customer accounts are related to each other, but they are two different things

If you have purchased a web hosting service to manage your website with Easy Green Hosting, then you have a account cliente, which you can access via your user.

Put like this, it seems simple, but it is necessary to clarify things a little.

To complete your first purchase you must indicate your details: name, surname, address, telephone and email. Ah, if you also want to register an Italian domain (.it), you will also need to indicate a valid tax code or VAT number.

Once the purchase is complete, two things will be created, namely a customer account and a user which will have name, surname and email in common, but which are not the same thing: the user is the "owner" of the customer account.

This hierarchical system is designed to be able grant access to the customer account to multiple users. For example, let's imagine that we are a web designer who has to manage the accounts of multiple clients or that we need to grant access, even if only temporarily, to our client account (and therefore also to our services) to a developer so that he can complete a job on our website.

What is the nature of the customer account and how notifications can be managed

The customer account can do everything: purchase, pay, cancel, open tickets, add and remove users, manage affiliation, payment methods and more.

I want to shed light on just one point: notifications.

From your customer account you can choose which notifications to receive. Simply select or deselect them on this page: https://my.easygreenhosting.com/clientarea.php?action=details

In the lower part of the page we will find the tick-boxes for the following message types:

  • General Emails – All account related emails
  • Invoice Emails – New Invoices, Reminders, & Overdue Notices
  • Support Emails – Receive a CC of all Support Ticket Communications
  • Product Emails – Welcome Emails, Suspensions & Other Lifecycle Notifications
  • Domain Emails – Registration/Transfer Confirmation & Renewal Notices
  • Affiliate Emails – Receive Affiliate Notifications

How to have notifications received by an external contact who has no power over our customer account

If we need to have notifications delivered to an external contact, which is neither the customer account email nor the user, we can add a contact from the page https://my.easygreenhosting.com/index.php?rp=/account/contacts

Here too in the lower part we will be able to choose the types of messages we want the contact to receive, that is:

  • General Emails – General Announcements and Password Resend
  • Email Administration – Invoices and Invoice Reminders
  • Support Emails – Receive a copy of all support ticket communications created by the parent account holder
  • Product Emails – Order Details, Welcome Email, etc…
  • Domain Email – Renewal Notifications, Registration Confirmation, etc…

What information can the user have access to?

The user may have permissions, but does not receive notifications.

We can add a user to have access to our customer account by granting all or some of the following permissions:

  • Edit Master Account Profile
  • View and Manage Contacts
  • View Products and Services
  • View and Change Product Passwords
  • Perform single sign-on
  • View Domains
  • Domain Settings Management
  • View and Pay Invoices
  • Visualizza & Accetta Preventivi
  • View and Open Support Ticket
  • View and Manage Affiliate Account
  • View Email
  • Place New Orders/Upgrades/Cancellations

To add or remove an account we will need to access this page:


In this example our very affectionate Asthmatic Dog wants to add a user:
dal meno in cima a destra -> Gestione degli utenti

How can I change the email for both the customer account and the user?

We will have to make two distinct changes.

To change the email of our customer account, simply enter the new email among "my data"

To change the email for the user instead, we will have to add a new user, inviting a new user as explained in the previous paragraph.

It will then be possible to set the new user as owner and delete the old user.

ATTENTION: if we want to change the email to update it with one that we have recently started using, if we do everything from the same browser after sending the invitation to the new user's email, we will have to log out before accepting it , otherwise the system will not be able to access the new user creation page, because it is already logged in with the old user.

For any questions or needs do not hesitate to contact us!

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Easy Green Hosting


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