When we created Easy Green Hosting we asked ourselves how we could drive positive changes towards a cleaner and more sustainable world for everyone. A question that we try to answer every day through research and exchanges with entities operating in the area that share our same goals.

As a first step we turned to a data center that uses 100% renewable energy, but we soon felt the desire and need to do more.

We have thus begun an exciting path of collaboration for the development of wooded areas together with organizations that promote the reforestation of impoverished areas. For each of your purchases we correspond to a tree or a share of woodland area (depending on the funded project).


This new year has just begun with a fantastic recognition: Easy Green Hosting has been included in the The Green Web Foundation's list of green web hosting providers.

Driven by this motivating achievement, we have also decided to dedicate our efforts to two new fronts:

In addition obviously to the renewed commitment to the creation of new urban forests.


A tree is a living being that, thanks to sunlight, transforms CO2 and water into sugars for its sustenance and growth. A waste product of the chemical reaction is the very precious oxygen. CO2 is sequestered from the atmosphere and encapsulated in the roots, trunk, and the rest of the tree, where it will remain for many years until its death and the decomposition of the organic matter.

Thanks to this carbon sequestration mechanism, forests are an essential resource in the fight against climate change.

But the importance of trees is not to be limited only to these aspects. They do much more:

  • they are a refuge or accommodation for birds, mammals, insects and invertebrates that populate its roots, throne, branches and leaves
  • they interact with the microorganisms present in the soil, giving structure to the soil and keeping it healthy
  • thanks to leaves, flowers and fruits it tempers high temperatures, protecting the undergrowth vegetation and animals from the heat

A tree is fully the guardian of the life of many living beings on this planet.


Although one tree is wonderful, many trees together are even better! In the forest, together with the trees, we find shrubs, herbs, fungi, lichens, animals, bacteria and many other plant species. All living organisms interact with the soil and air and this is how the ecosystem is formed!

Unfortunately in industrialized society, life in cities distances us from the natural environment.

Yet there is nothing else in the world capable of stimulating our imagination and creativity like contact with nature and its wonders that change with the seasons.

This is also why we want to give back as much space to nature as possible, thus promoting the development of ecosystems and ensuring their protection so that they are not disturbed, or worse still traumatized by human impact.

Internet as a privileged means for collective well-being

From ecosystems to the Internet, the step is rather short for Easy Green Hosting. If on the one hand the internet undoubtedly represents a place of work for us, on the other it is also an important means of communication where information can circulate freely. This thought is what drives us to give the best of ourselves every day.

It is our sincere and heated desire to ignite the passion for reforestation in all those who want to heed this call.


We looked for organizations that operate on a regional basis, in order to create a sense of belonging and closeness that involves our users and their environment. Where possible, we ensure that the "assigned" trees or plots are easily reachable by customers, so that they can establish a real connection with them by visiting the planting sites whenever they wish.


Below are listed the collaborations with which we carry out reforestation.


AmbienteAcqua onlus is a non-profit environmental association which has been operating at a regional and national level since 2000, offering various activities, both environmental and pedagogical redevelopment, within the province of Milan.

He is a point of reference for numerous teachers and operators in the educational sector, thanks to his initiatives to protect and enhance nature, the environment and the landscape, to promote citizen participation in environmental defense and associative experiences between childhood and youth.

AmbienteAcqua's projects can be visited on the page ambienteacqua.it/progetti.
Also noteworthy is the "Children's City Council", a tool for representing young people that offers a concrete experience of active citizenship. All the details on the page ambienteacqua.it/ccrr.

The reforestation project of the East Cave Park

Our commitment with AmbienteAcqua is implemented in the redevelopment project of the Local Park of Supra-municipal Interest (PLIS) Est delle Cave (https://comune.cernuscosulnaviglio.mi.it/amm-trasparente/plis-est-delle-cave/) located between the municipalities of Brugherio, Carugate, Cernusco sul Naviglio, Cologno Monzese and Vimodrone, in the north-eastern hinterland of Milan.

The park was established in 2009 and has seen a gradual increase in its size. PLIS was created with the aim of protecting green areas in a highly infrastructured and anthropized area, playing a role of considerable importance in maintaining an ecological corridor and providing continuity of the ecological ecosystem with neighboring parks. Furthermore, the park also plays a recreational role for citizens. Recently, the Park Management Committee has equipped itself with a Multi-Year Intervention Plan (PPI) within which recovery/maintenance activities are envisaged.

The project website can be visited at: https://www.parcoestcave.it/riforestazione-del-parco/


Spiritus Mundi is an ODV (volunteer organization) based in Legnaro, Padua, which since 2016 has contributed to improving the environmental and social situation of the Po Valley. The name Spiritus Mundi comes from Latin and means "breath of the world”.

The primary objective of Spiritus Mundi is forestry implementation, in urban and extra-urban areas, applied so far in various projects including:

  • The Living Forest of Roncajette
    hamlet of the Municipality of Ponte San Nicolò, PD - adjacent to the course of the Bacchiglione river, on the border between the residential area and the agricultural area, it covers an area of ​​approximately 8500m2, intended to host 1000 specimens of native tree and shrub species.
  • The Living Forest of Polverara
    in an agricultural area adjacent to the Bacchiglione river, it covers an area of ​​approximately 15,000m2 and hosts over 2200 specimens of different species of native trees and shrubs. The projects are carried out by the volunteers of the non-profit organization, with the participation of the local population.

    At this link you can read all the information on both forestry implementation projects.

Secondly, Spritus Mundi promotes awareness of environmental issues and the sponsorship of a feeling of ethical citizenship, through the "Schools Project".

It's about an initiative aimed at elementary, middle, high school and university education institutions which consists of awareness meetings in which they are proposed environmental, global and local critical issues in order to create shared responsibility and finding both collective and individual solutions that allow us to reduce the impact of human societies on the planet.

You can find more information on the Schools Project at this link.

Spiritus Mundi logos and images are used as patronage.


For each new purchase and each annual renewal, 5% of our revenue is donated ai reforestation projects.

This way we can finance our partner environmental associations in a stable and constant way and help them to carry out their projects without interruption.

Easy Green Hosting


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Spirit of the World – Blue

Spiritus Mundi has already completed the planting of thousands of trees, creating real urban forests.

Since the beginning of summer 2021, we have financed the planting of 80 trees in the Bosco Vivo di Legnaro.

EnvironmentWater – Lombardy

With Ambiente acqua we gave life to the planting project of the Parco Est delle Cave, with a first planting in October 2021 of 101 trees.


Our very first commitment to reforestation begins with Treedom, with which we financed the planting of 60 trees at the beginning of 2021.


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