monitoring, assistance, advanced hardware and software
Our technology

The world-leading control panel is included at no additional cost. Manage every aspect of your server and allow site owners to manage account-level features via the intuitive cPanel panel.

Security update Automatici
Whenever a new security patch is released, we've got your back. Our automated software update system can push our critical patches across your server fleet in minutes, giving you peace of mind that your server is always safe.

JetBackup is a premium backup solution that will provide you with multiple daily snapshots of your sites with the ability to automatically restore entire accounts, individual files, databases, and email accounts directly from cPanel.

Pro-plus support!
Our support gurus are available 24/7 should you need assistance. Fully managed support includes unlimited system administration time for all standard services included with the server.
Our safety

Isolated accounts
Each account is isolated with a secure file system that prevents privilege escalation and information disclosure attacks.

No to noisy neighbors
Each customer is assigned their own resource pool, meaning other users cannot cause downtime or slow website performance

Machine Learning Firewall
Multiple layers of firewalls with machine learning and collective intelligence keep bots and hackers at bay.

Vulnerabilities and malware defense
We automatically patch vulnerabilities in a wide range of web applications and quarantine known malware, protecting your site and visitors.
Complete monitoring
Proactive problem resolution, managed administration and more
cPanel Control Panel | cPanel allows you to manage websites: create email accounts, databases, uploads and much more |
Security Updates & Patching | We have developed our own internal technology to deploy critical updates to all of our servers. You will therefore always have the updated software |
KernelCare | Your server will come with a KernelCare license, which will automatically update the server kernel when security updates are released. This also has the advantage of performing kernel updates without requiring a reboot, as happens in servers not equipped with this system. |
1-Click Application Installs | Install numerous apps in one click with the Softaculous installer. You will have access to install over 400 apps. |
Server Firewall Configuration | We will setup CSF firewall on your server from common web attacks |
Application Firewall Configuration | Configureremo un firewall per applicazioni web 'Mod Security' sul tuo server, configurato con le nostre regole personalizzate, per proteggere le singole applicazioni installate sul server dai comuni attacchi web |
Snapshot Backups | Verrà eseguito il backup dell'intero server sul nostro sistema di backup esterno al server. Nel caso in cui succeda qualcosa al tuo server, l'intera immagine può essere ripristinata. Tieni presente che i singoli file non possono essere ripristinati da questa istantanea - questo richiede la configurazione dei backup del cPanel locale. |
cPanel Backups | We will set up your cPanel backup system to perform historical backups of your server and website data. Backups will run once a day for 30 days. |
99.99% Uptime Guarantee | Garantiremo il tempo di attività sul tuo server web al 99,9%, escludendo qualsiasi manutenzione programmata che è ridotta al minimo. Tieni presente che questa garanzia si applica solo se i nostri consigli di gestione vengono rispettati, ad esempio se ti consigliamo di aggiornare la CPU o la RAM per supportare il carico di lavoro del server e non esegui l'aggiornamento, non saremmo in grado di garantire la disponibilità del servizio web. |
Migration Assistance | We will migrate up to 50 existing websites to your server from an existing cPanel server for free. Additional websites can be migrated at an additional cost per website - if you have more than 50 sites, please contact us for a quote. |
Proactive Issue Resolution | Monitoreremo il tuo server e risolveremo in modo proattivo i problemi che potrebbero verificarsi, inclusa la gestione delle interruzioni del servizio, la gestione del carico elevato del server, il monitoraggio e la gestione dell'utilizzo dello spazio su disco e il debug di qualsiasi servizio che influisce sui problemi. |
Redundant Global DNS | The servers will be connected to our globally redundant DNS cluster, rather than depending on the server's DNS. Our DNS cluster is distributed across multiple data centers around the world and is fully protected from denial of service attacks. |
CDN | From cPanel it is possible to configure both CloudFlare and, via Litespeed, clic.clud in just a few clicks. The global content delivery network and security platform. It will be integrated into your cPanel and will speed up your websites while also making them more secure. |
JetBackup | JetBackup fornisce una soluzione di backup avanzata che consente al server di mantenere backup giornalieri incrementali, consentendo più punti di ripristino giornalieri. Inoltre, JetBackup consente il ripristino automatico di file, account di posta elettronica, database e altro ancora. Senza JetBackup, la routine di backup standard prevede 3 punti di ripristino e non è possibile eseguire il 'ripristino automatico' dal cPanel stesso. |
CloudLinux | CloudLinux offre sicurezza e stabilità avanzate e prestazioni PHP velocissime. Con CloudLinux, ogni account sul server è completamente isolato nel proprio ambiente jailed, impedendo agli utenti di vedere le informazioni reciproche e prevenendo un gran numero di attacchi. Ad ogni account possono anche essere assegnati i propri limiti di risorse in modo che un sito web non possa sovraccaricare il server nel suo insieme, migliorando notevolmente la stabilità. L'elaborazione PHP è accelerata tramite mod_lsapi, il modo più veloce e affidabile per servire le pagine PHP. |
Imunify360 Server Security | Imunify360 is an advanced server security solution that, in our experience, provides the absolute best level of defense against threats to your server and the applications it hosts. With imunify360 installed, instances of compromised sites will be virtually eliminated from your pages. |
Patchman Core | Patchman esegue la scansione delle applicazioni comuni installate nei server, come WordPress, Joomla e Drupal. Ti avvisa quando è necessario effettuare aggiornamenti, corregge automaticamente le vulnerabilità note e rimuove il malware se ne trova. Patchman ha un valore inestimabile nell'aiutare a mantenere i tuoi siti web al sicuro dagli hacker ed è fortemente consigliato se prevedi di utilizzare il server come server di hosting condiviso generico con un numero elevato di account. |
Monitoring | We actively monitor all services on the server and the overall health of the server. We will proactively resolve any issues if they arise. |
Support Level | Assistenza totale per l'utilizzo, la configurazione e l'esecuzione del server. Rispondiamo in modo proattivo a qualsiasi avviso di inattività e accediamo e inizieremo a risolvere eventuali problemi che interessano i servizi non appena si verificano. Supporteremo tutti i servizi standard e forniremo un numero illimitato di ore di amministrazione del sistema per configurare e ottimizzare il tuo server. |
administer every aspect of your website with just a few clicks
Create email accounts, forwarders and autoresponders, as well as filters to manage email. Fight spam with SpamAssassin and email authentication. Use mailing lists to get your message across.
Set up subdomains, addon domains, aliased domains and redirects to send visitors to the right destination. Easily adjust underlying DNS records with the Simple DNS Zone Editor or Advanced DNS Zone Editor
300+ APPS
Take advantage of over 300 third-party apps for blogs, message boards, guest books, eCommerce, and more to build stronger, more dynamic sites. Everything installed in an instant!
Edit and back up files and folders while monitoring your website's disk space usage.
Create MySQL databases and users, grant permissions, and manage database contents using industry-standard phpMyAdmin software.
Know your audience and track your website performance using AWStats. View detailed PHP logs, errors and raw access logs.
Configure password protected directories, IP address denies, SSL/TLS and GnuPG key settings to restrict access. Protect your site with HotLink and Leech protection.
Cos'è un dominio? E cos'è un hosting?
Take a look up there at the top of the screen. See the writing That is the URL bar, where the domain name is located. In this case, our domain.
Typing the domain name into your browser is like dialing a telephone number, which the hosting will answer, showing you the corresponding website.
THE DOMAIN it is the name that connects your computer to the server, i.e. to the hosting service.
L’HOSTING derives from the English “to host” which means “to host”. A hosting service hosts your site on machines that save its files and process all requests from your visitors.
Domain and hosting therefore have different functions, are managed by two separate systems and appear as two different products during purchase.
However, when purchasing our products with annual billing, a domain is always included
For any questions, do not hesitate to contact us!
Eco-friendly hosting
and environmental commitment
We are passionate about websites, but we also want them not to harm our environment.
For this reason, we have set ourselves two objectives:
- Pollute less thanks to the use of wind energy
- Help the environment by planting a tree for each new customer.
Thanks to the collaboration with Back, we are able to run our servers on clean energy and thanks to the collaboration with Treedom, we are contributing to the reforestation of the planet in different parts of the world.