REFORESTATION in Lombardy WITH environmentwater
We at Easy Green Hosting love life and therefore the environment, the place in which we live. VWe hope that the present and the future are a beautiful adventure.
This is why from the beginning we have combined our professionalism with our passion, offering an Ecological Web Hosting service.
Thanks to the collaboration with the non-profit organization AmbienteAcqua, today we are proud to be able to contribute to the development of wooded areas in intensely exploited urban areas in the province of Milan, as happened during one of the events we had the pleasure of participating in.
What happened on Sunday 24 October 2021 at Parco Est Cave?
We have given life to the park reforestation project!!!
“PLIS was created with the aim of protecting green areas in a highly infrastructured and anthropized area, playing a role of considerable importance in maintaining an ecological corridor and providing continuity of the ecological system with neighboring parks.
Furthermore, the park plays a recreational role for citizens. Recently, the Park Management Committee has equipped itself with a Multi-Year Intervention Plan (PPI) within which recovery/maintenance activities are envisaged.
Thanks to the collaboration with Easy Green Hosting we managed to start a PLIS reforestation project.”
Like Spiritus Mundi, also AmbienteAcqua, another organization with which we collaborate in this area that we talked about WHO, is characterized by:
- The use of municipal public lands
- The use of native plants
- Citizen involvement during planting events
- The synergy with local companies that "espouse" their principles
- The redefinition of the social fabric through the collaboration and involvement of other associations.
Sunday 17 October 2021, East Cave Park

Speaking of planting... do you know how to plant a tree??
Ed eccoci all'opera!!!
Who is AmbienteAcqua
AmbienteAcqua onlus is a non-profit environmental association founded in 2000 that operates at a regional and national level.
The great experience gained in recent years has led the AmbienteAcqua non-profit association to be a point of reference for numerous teachers and operators in the educational sector.
Ambienteacqua has always been involved in some very important areas including:
Ambiente acqua manages the summer center "il Roccolo dei Ciuchini" located in the hamlet of Oreno in Vimercate (MB) inside the Cavallera Park: an experience in contact with nature to discover the life of the animals of the farm, the rhythms and activities of the garden, the beauty dthe local flora and fauna
Since 2015, children, unemployed people, migrants and people with disabilities have been hosted at "Baita Monte Prà", a totally eco-sustainable structure located at almost 1,000 meters above sea level, in the heart of the woods of the Western Gardesana Forest near the hamlet of Costa a Gargnano (BS), where the association also takes care of restoring the signs, cleaning, recovering and promoting the trail network.
In the suburban neighborhood of Quarto Oggiaro in Milan, the Association is committed to stemming situations of poverty and economic difficulty, enhancing common goods, improving the quality of life in the neighborhood and intervening in favor of the neediest families, people affected by forms of social exclusion and hardship and people suffering from psycho-physical disabilities.
At the headquarters, volunteers collect used domestic oils and fats, recover used furniture and toys to donate to the inhabitants of the neighbourhood. They manage shared community gardens, arrange and enhance the communal gardens of public housing. They recently started a service book Crossing (“a practice that wants to make the whole world a library”) and opened a free, secular and multicultural recreational space called “condominium library” in Via Pascarella.
Since 2000 they have carried out educational itineraries in more than 9,000 classes of nursery, primary and secondary schools (both levels), collaborating with dozens of municipal administrations in organizing and planning the right to study plan.
The Association has carried out support activities and collaborated with various public companies and consortia of municipalities, offering schools educational courses which involved the following thematic areas: environment, nature, water saving, energy, waste, pollution, nutrition, agriculture, local art and culture.
AmbienteAcqua Onlus is constantly involved in participating in calls for tenders from private foundations and public bodies for the implementation of projects to enhance and protect the territory.
The Children's Councils are a tool for representing young people to be able to actively participate in the life of the community of which they are part. - They offer a concrete experience of active citizenship and democratic life, aimed at improving the quality of life of children and young people.
- They encourage dialogue between minors and local institutions.
- They activate an operational path to strengthen life skills related to participation, group dynamics and planning.
- They guarantee the little ones a permanent and institutional space to exercise their rights in compliance with the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.