WordPress bloccato in “Maintenance mode”

It is very important to keep WordPress updated.
Wordpress is the most used Content Management System in the world and this makes it a desired victim of hackers, who, once they find a flaw, can easily infiltrate various installations with little effort.
Updates are the first thing to do to prevent cyber-criminals.

However, it sometimes happens that once the plugin update has started, WordPress remains stuck on this page:

It's a big break, but it happens.
The causes can be multiple.
For example, there are plugins that, when activated, prevent WordPress from finishing updates correctly.

How to solve?

The solution is actually very simple: just delete the .maintenance file located in the root directory of your WordPress installation.

To delete the .maintenance file there are mainly 2 ways:

  • If you have access to cPanel, I will need to delete the .maintenance file from the WordPress root directory using File Manager.
  • those who do not have access to cPanel (owners of Easy WordPress or WordPress Commerce) will be able to request FTP access.
    FTP access is used to view the files contained in your WordPress directory without the need to access WordPress and you do this through an FTP client (we recommend FileZilla).

Thank you and… stay Green!


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Spirit of the World – Blue

Spiritus Mundi has already completed the planting of thousands of trees, creating real urban forests.

Since the beginning of summer 2021, we have financed the planting of 80 trees in the Bosco Vivo di Legnaro.

EnvironmentWater – Lombardy

With Ambiente acqua we gave life to the planting project of the Parco Est delle Cave, with a first planting in October 2021 of 101 trees.


Our very first commitment to reforestation begins with Treedom, with which we financed the planting of 60 trees at the beginning of 2021.


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