Customer account and email: where and how to change
Hi. Do you want to change the email address of your customer account but you're not sure where and how? If you are a web designer and want to know how to get access
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Hi. Do you want to change the email address of your customer account but you're not sure where and how? If you are a web designer and want to know how to get access
Dear readers, this article is aimed at those who have wondered why a sum is paid every year for the renewal of web hosting and
User accounts and customer accounts are related to each other, but they are two different things If you have purchased a web hosting service to manage the
Let's imagine that you are a web designer who wants to access your customers' accounts on Easy Green Hosting, without having to log in every time with
Green WordPress is an economical and efficient service for managing a WordPress site. It does not have a web hosting management panel,
Spiritus Mundi has already completed the planting of thousands of trees, creating real urban forests.
With Ambiente acqua we gave life to the planting project of the Parco Est delle Cave, with a first planting in October 2021 of 101 trees.
Our very first commitment to reforestation begins with Treedom, with which we financed the planting of 60 trees at the beginning of 2021.
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